Indigenous Easter Message


Indigenous Easter Message April 15, 2022

As we begin this Easter Sunday, I thought that I would like give everyone an Easter message. Before I begin, I’d like to address those skeptics. This message is not from the Colonial perspective, I teach from the Indigenous side of the Easter story. My teaching comes through the First Nations version of the Good Book.

Our hope for our future is unlocked when we have a fresh encounter with our Great Creator. We all need a refreshing encounter with Him at various times in our lives. Some Indigenous people might ask: “What would a fresh encounter with our Creator do for me?” Some individuals have asked me to prove our Creator is with us in those stormy times of life. Our Creator is always present with us, even when we face those terrifying moments. However, in most circumstances of life, we tend to totally ignore Him. In fact, we don’t even want to recognize He exists.

As we lay aside our doubts, let’s begin our story in the Book. The Son (Wisdom-keeper) had been arrested for treason, charged and put to death for defending His Father’s will. Three days later, He was brought back to life by His Father, our Great Creator. He showed His Son to His Son’s followers. We see that one of His followers wasn’t there when the Creator set free His Son. This follower that wasn’t present said to the others, I don’t believe none of you. The eleven followers try to tell him that they had seen Him with their own eyes, but he called them liars. He told them “That unless I see the scar marks in his hands and put my finger into them and into His side, I will not believe that the Wisdom-keeper is alive.”

A week later, His followers were gathered, including the one that was not previously there. Even though the doors were locked tightly, the Wisdom-keeper appeared with them in the room and said to them “Peace be with you.” Then He said to the one that did not believed them: “look and touch my scars on my hands and my side. Then put away your doubts and trust in me.” After this man had touched His hands and side he said too Him, “You are my Honoured Chief and my Creator.” The Wisdom-keeper said to him, “Now do you believe, because you have seen me?”

This Wisdom-keeper continued to do many more powerful signs before the follower’s eyes that have not been written down in any books. However, His follower’s continued to see miracle after miracle being given to all who needed or wanted healings in their own lives.

I have told you this foregoing true Easter Story too encourage you to reach out to Him during this blessed time of year. Why? Because He wants you to be His loving child, so you might believe that our Creator Freed His son, the Chosen One, too illustrate His love and caring that belongs to you and me. We all experience troubles, problems and many other downsides of life. We have a Father, who is waiting for you to acknowledge His true friendship towards you. He does not, nor will not force His way into your life. He does extend His love and care for you, but you must acknowledge and reciprocate your love for Him. As we all know, caring and loving is a two-way street in life.

Just think for a moment. He is knocking at the doorway of your heart, you just need to open your heart’s door and welcome Him into your life this Easter weekend.



Rev. James C R Smith